HOME  »  Sports Meet Morning - 11th January 2006 »  Viewing 19. Jumping over fire by the Prasanthi boys     [Image 19 of 45]  :: Jump To  
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14. The welcome dance by the Prasanthi Nilayam campus * 2560 x 1920 * (2.59MB)

15. The Lion Dancers from Prasanthi Nilayam * 3456 x 2304 * (4.1MB)

16.  Are the lions taking   the victory stand * 2560 x 1920 * (2.16MB)

17. Who has the right of way on these poles * 2560 x 1920 * (2.62MB)

18. The Prasanthi Lions saluting Swami * 3264 x 2448 * (3.63MB)

Next slide
19. Jumping over fire by the Prasanthi boys.JPG
20. Was it a smooth landing * 2560 x 1920 * (2.08MB)

21. Another feat of jumping over a van by the Prasanthi Acrobats * 2560 x 1920 * (2.14MB)

22. The boys beat up a rousing tune on their Chinese drums * 2560 x 1920 * (2.52MB)

23. Acrobatics on the Giant Wheels * 2560 x 1920 * (2.51MB)

24. Synchronised exercises on the Giant Wheels * 3264 x 2448 * (2.6MB)

Made with JAlbum 5.1
Album last updated on Jan 27, 2006 - 04:11 PM
Created for RadioSai.org by the SGH team